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Global Organics Articles

Organic & Sustainability

  • Adapting to Nature's Challenges: Cultivating a Resilient Supply in the Face of Climate Change

    Adapting to Nature's Challenges: Cultivating a Resilient Supply in the Face of Climate Change

    The Impact of Climate Change on Organic Farming and the Path Forward

    In the face of escalating climate change, maintaining a consistent and dependable supply of organic fruits has become a formidable challenge. The volatility of our climate, characterized by extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and increasing overall temperatures, significantly disrupts the cultivation and yield of crops. This unpredictability poses a substantial hurdle for organic companies committed to meeting the growing consumer demand for organic and sustainable products.

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  • The environmental impact of organic ingredient production: Why it matters for Easter and Beyond

    The environmental impact of organic ingredient production: Why it matters for Easter and Beyond

    Spring has sprung, and with it comes the eagerly anticipated arrival of Easter candy. This festive season brings with it a surge in candy demand, resulting in mind-boggling levels of consumption.

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  • The Sweet Symphony of Sustainability: Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Coconut Sugar in Indonesia

    The Sweet Symphony of Sustainability: Unveiling the Rich Tapestry of Coconut Sugar in Indonesia

    In the heart of Indonesia, where the tropical breeze carries whispers of tradition and the fertile lands of Java cradle a sweet secret, there exists a cultural legacy known as coconut sugar. Referred to as “gula kelapa” in the local tongue, this granulated sweetener has a history dating back to the 17th century and has woven itself into the culinary and cultural heritage of the Indonesian people. Join us on a journey as we delve into the intricate tapestry of coconut sugar, exploring its cultivation, the traditions it encompasses, and the sustainability challenges it faces.

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  • EU organic movement warns against greenwashing

    BRUSSELS, 13 MONDAY 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe warns against the misuse of claims, labels, or communication initiatives about food products, that contribute to greenwashing and hinder the agroecological transition towards sustainable food systems. Claims and labels on packages range from regenerative, local, organic to ecological agriculture. However, not all that glitters is gold, or green in this case, and the increasing use of the term “regenerative agriculture” is a case in point.

    At Global Organics, we broadly support organic agriculture, and Regenerative Organic Certification. We appreciate IFOAM's efforts to call out greenwashing risks to our industry.

    To read entire press release, IFOAM

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  • USDA Moves to Crack Down on Organic Fraud

    As reported in The Washington Post, the USDA moves to crack down on ‘organic’ fraud
    — The agency will boost its oversight of organic products in one of the biggest-ever changes to the National Organic Program

    Tom Chapman, chief executive of the Organic Trade Association, said the updates represent “the single largest revision to the organic standards since they were published in 1990.” They should go a long way toward boosting confidence in the “organic” label, Chapman said, noting that the move “raises the bar to prevent bad actors at any point in the supply chain.

    Continue reading at the Organic Trade Association

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  • Meet the Kombucha Company Tackling Food Scarcity with Regenerative Supply Chains

    Meet the Kombucha Company Tackling Food Scarcity with Regenerative Supply Chains

    Zane Kareem Adams, Co-CEO of Buchi states, "Sugar is an interesting crop because it is very environmentally intensive, not only with growing but also with the harvesting process, and we have struggled a lot to find ways to grow sugar without doing deep detrimental harm to our food system."

    After searching for an organic and regenerative supply partner, Buchi landed on Global Organics and verified the supplier through mutual friends. Global Organics partner's with Brazil's Natíve Green Cane Project, which bills itself as the world's largest sustainable agriculture project that is completely carbon neutral.

    "We can't actually do well for each other and our planet if we aren't very curious, careful, and mindful about the inputs that we use to make the product, the process, and how our products get to the store.”

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    Dairy Foods

    Global Organics now offers Regenerative Organic Certified cane sugar. Its longtime partner and supplier, Natíve, is the first sugar producer to earn the Regenerative Organic certification. By focusing on soil health and biodiversity, integrating sustainability at all levels of operations, and ensuring social fairness to farm workers, Natíve’s Green Cane Project has been long recognized as the model for sustainability, Global Organics says. Natíve sugar products include organic granulated cane sugar and organic demerara sugar, a raw sugar extracted from sugarcane.

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  • GMO sugarcane: “Bad for the environment, soil and human health”

    GMO sugarcane: “Bad for the environment, soil and human health”

    The Organic and Non-GMO Report

    As Brazil ramps up production of GMO sugarcane, Leontino Balbo Jr, executive vice president of Natíve Green Cane Project says, “They are creating false expectations for the future of agriculture. GMO sugarcane will bring temporary results. Our Regenerative Organic Certified sugar is already delivering the results they are promising with genetic modification. One example - we have only 1.5% infestation (of caterpillars) in our cane fields today. The average in conventional fields is 8%. GMO is promising a rate of 1.5 - 2%. They are 25 years too late!”

    Continue reading at The Organic and Non-GMO Report

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  • ICAM - 75 Years of Family Owned and Run Fine Italian Chocolate

    ICAM - 75 Years of Family Owned and Run Fine Italian Chocolate

    Dr. Angelo Agostoni, president of ICAM | Agostoni Chocolate, began traveling to meet with cocoa farmers and buy directly from cooperatives back in the 1970s. Direct connections allowed relationships and trust to form — ICAM has partnered with cocoa cooperatives in Peru and Dominican Republic for decades. 

    Since the 1980s, ICAM’s twofold commitment has been to identify the finest cocoa cooperatives and to create solid, lasting relationships with the farmers and the local communities. This commitment is based on ICAM’s ethical code, which guides all operations: respect, sustainability, transparency and a fair deal for all, with the goal of developing true partnerships with all operators in the production chain.

    Dr. Agostoni puts it best, "Not Just Beans, Not Just Farms… Relationships, Empowerment, Autonomy and Respect"

    Continue reading at: Notizie Geniali (auto translated from Italian)

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  • From fringe to formulation: Making organic snacks and baked goods mainstream

    From fringe to formulation: Making organic snacks and baked goods mainstream

    Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery

    Is it an oxymoron to include ‘better-for-you’ and ‘snacks and baked goods’ in the same sentence? Not according to a recent article in Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery. As our marketing manager Cate Batson Baril says, “Today’s moms and dads have grown up with organic foods; they expect to find organic products in more categories, especially where their young families are concerned.”

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